萨拉斯特,葛格利 Sallust,Gregory
萨伦巴,伊芙 Zaremba, Eve
萨格,凯文 Sugg, Calvin
蓝柏特,盖文 Lambert, Gavin
蓝斯福 Lunceford
蓝黛儿,露丝 Rendell,Ruth
魏特宁,詹威伦 Wetering, Janwillem van de
怀恩,摩西 Wine, Moses
怀特,艾瑟儿.琳娜 White, Ethel Lina
怀特,温德尔(巴德) White, Wendell (Bud)
琼纳斯,厄尔 Janoth, Earl
琼斯,掘墓 Jones, Grave Digger
罗比乔克斯,汤姆 Robichaux, Tom
罗列特,甘士比 Roylott, Grimesby
罗西,尚-巴蒂斯特 Rossi, Jean-Baptiste
罗伯-格里耶,阿兰 Robbe-Grillet, Alain
罗姆,安妮特 Roome, Annette
罗林,琳达 Loring, Linda
罗勃逊-科克,莫莉 Robertson-Kirk, Molly
罗素上校 Colonel Russell
罗杰斯,玛丽.赛西莉亚 Rogers, Mary Cecilia
罗斯,巴纳比 Ross, Barnaby
罗斯,默多克 Rose, Murdock
罗斯伯里伯爵 Lord Rosebery
罗尔斯,安东尼 Rolls, Anthony
罗宾,寇克 Robin, Cock
罗宾逊,爱德华 Robinson, Edward G.
罗默,萨克斯 Rohmer, Sax
罗苹,亚森 Lupin,Arsène
赞恩,奥里欧 Zen, Aurelio
庞申,E.R Punshon, E. R.
庞德 Pound
庞德,艾兹拉 Pound, Ezra
庞德,詹姆士 Bond, James
苏,欧仁 Sue, Eugène
苏得兰,玛丽 Sutherland, Mary
警探马特伊 Inspector Matthäi
兰丁,波 Lundin, Bo
兰德莱斯,海伦娜 Landless,Helena
铁伊,约瑟芬 Tey, Josephine
〈刀疤〉 The Form of the Sword
〈三名同姓之人探案〉 The ThreeGarridebs
〈小径分岔的花园〉 The Garden of Forking Paths
〈小舞人探案〉 The Dancing Men
〈公然行凶的人〉 The Man whoMurdered in Public
〈化学的错误〉 An Error in Chemistry
〈巴提尼诺尔的小老头〉 Le Petit Vieux de Batignolles
〈巴德先生的灵感〉 The Inspiration of Mr. Budd
〈史坦威浮雕宝石之谜〉 The Stanway Cameo Mystery
〈失踪的山米.索柯特〉 The Loss of SammyThrockett
〈失踪的中后卫探案〉 The Missing Three-Quarter
〈失窃的信函〉 The Purloined Letter
〈弗德马先生案例的真相〉 Factsin the Case of M. Waldemar
〈本店招牌菜〉 The Specialty of the House
〈再见,吾菜〉 Farewell, My Lovely Appetizer
〈安妮.罗德威〉 Anne Rodway
〈有翅膀的短剑〉 The Dagger with Wings
〈有胡子的女人〉 The Adventure of the Bearded Lady
〈死亡与指南针〉 Death and the Compass
〈死于自己的迷宫的阿本哈坎-艾尔-波哈里〉 Ibn-Hakkan-al-Bokhari
〈死胡同里的尸体探案〉 The Caseof the Corpse in the Blind Alley
〈汝即真凶〉 Thou Art The Man
〈住院病人〉 The Resident Patient
〈妖精林之屋〉 The House in Goblin Wood
〈完美谋杀〉 The Perfect Murder
〈甬道里的人〉 The Man in the Passage
〈私家侦探的回忆〉 Fromthe Memoirs of a Private Detective
〈贝蕾妮丝〉 Berenice
〈身分之谜〉 A Case of Identity
〈彼勒的祭司〉 The Priestsof Bel
〈怪异的脚步声〉 The Queer Feet
〈拉姆普西尼托司王〉 King Rhampsinitus
〈波宫祕闻〉 A Scandal in Bohemia
〈知道怎么做的人〉 The Man Who Knew How
〈空屋探案〉 The Empty House
〈花斑带探案〉 The Speckled Band
〈金甲虫〉 The Gold-Bug
〈阿里巴巴的洞穴开采冒险记〉 The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba
〈叛徒与英雄的主题〉 Theme of the Traitor and Hero
〈品酒的差事〉 The Bibulous Business of a Matter of Taste
〈哈巴托法官先生〉 Mr Justice Harbottle
〈威廉.威尔森〉 William Wilson
〈查尔斯.奥卡斯塔.麦维顿探案〉 Charles Augustus Milverton
〈歪嘴的人〉 The Man with the Twisted Lip
〈炸弹客〉 The Dynamiter
〈玻璃之城〉 City of Glass
〈红发俱乐部〉 The Red-Headed League
〈红榉庄探案〉 The Copper Beeches
〈美国总统是侦探〉 The Presidentof the United States, Detective
〈耶利米哀歌〉 Lamentations of Jeremiah
〈修女院教士的故事〉 The Nun's Priest'sTal
〈害人害己〉 The Biter Bit
〈格兰居探案〉 The Abbey Grange
〈海克力士与卡考士〉 Hercules and Cacus
〈祕密花园〉 The SecretGarden
〈逃出十三号牢房〉 The Problem of Cell 13
〈鬼灵〉 Ghosts
〈侦探小说的心理学与相关问题〉 On the Psychologyof Detective Stories and Related Problems
〈侦探小说的衰落〉 The Decline and Fall of the Detective Story
〈侦探小说的历史源头〉 The Detective Story as a Historical Source
〈侦探小说的艺术〉 The Art of the Detective Story
〈侦探小说基石〉 Detective Story Cornerstones
〈勒索者不开枪〉 Blackmailers Don't Shoot
〈屠羊〉 Lamb to the Slaughter
〈莫尔格街凶杀案〉 The Murders in the Rue Morgue
〈被偷走的信〉 A Stolen Letter
〈被遗忘的花园〉 Forsaken Garde
〈通往天堂的路〉 The Way up to Heaven
〈通往贝纳雷的路线〉 A Passage to Benares
〈傀儡〉 The Cat's-Paw
〈善良的骗子〉 The Gentle Grafter
〈单纯的谋杀艺术〉 The Simple Art of Murder
〈曾为知识分子,但看看如今的我〉 I used to be a Highbrow and Look at Me Now
〈盗贼的天堂〉 The Paradise of Thieves
〈等待〉 The Waiting
〈紫藤居探案〉 The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
〈黄昏的冒险〉 A Twilight Adventure
〈禁锁的房间〉 The Locked Room
〈梦想一夕致富的威灵福德〉 Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford
〈玛丽.罗杰奇案〉 The Mystery of Marie Rogét
〈绿茶〉 Green Tea
〈蒙娜丽莎的微笑〉 The Gioconda Smile
〈赫柏特.昆因作品分析〉 An Examinationof the Work of Herbert Quain
〈银斑驹〉 Silver Blaze
〈铜指人〉 The Man with the Copper Fingers
〈墨氏家族的成人礼〉 The Musgrave Ritual
〈影子的边缘〉 The Edge of the Shadow
〈欧特摩先生的双手〉 The Hands of Mr. Ottermole
〈橡皮喇叭〉 The Rubber Trumpe
〈营造商探案〉 The Norwood Builder
〈蓝色十字架〉 The Blue Cross
〈蓝柘榴石探案〉 The Blue Carbuncle
〈骑士十字勋章车站疑云〉 The Knight's Cross Signal Problem
〈骑士与死神〉 The Knight and Death
〈坏结局〉 A Bad End
〈证人失踪事件〉 The Missing Witness Sensation
〈证券交易所的职员〉 The Stockbroker's Clerk
〈镜中影像〉 The Image in theMirror
〈苏撒拿与士师〉 Susanna and the Elders
《ABC谋杀案》 The A B C Murders
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